Village Visit
Last week we had Field Orientation Training (FOT), where each of us trainees traveled to the village that will be our permanent site. A current first-year or second-year volunteer (who can speak the language) went with each trainee to help facilitate the weekend site visit. At 6am last Friday morning, I packed into a sept place ("seven places") with six other trainees and we headed out for Kedougou. The sept place is the main form of public transit that I will be using during my time in Senegal. The cars are very old 8-seat Peugeots, many of which are in various states of disrepair. I have not yet broken down in a sept place, but I hear from current volunteers that that is a fairly common occurrence. We drove east down the national highway, stopping every 3-4 hours. I had a bean sandwich--similar to what I eat at the training center for breakfast every morning--from a small roadside stand at our first stop. The drive was overall relatively uneventful other than making very...