Books: May Update
Here is the latest update on the books I have read. I am doing this book post a bit sooner because there are a lot of books I want to discuss: Strength in What Remains: An amazing story (non-fiction) about a man who escapes genocide in Burundi, moves to the US with virtually nothing, and ends up with a career in the medical field. My previous awareness of the history of the genocide in Burundi and Rwanda came mostly from watching Hotel Rwanda a few years ago. This book greatly expanded my awareness of that relatively recent conflict. On the US side of the story, it was illuminating to see how a few random acts of kindness and an incredible amount of determination can change someone's life in a very positive way. Little Women: I think that I am not the intended demographic for this book (male, 23 years old at the time I read it). Needless to say, it was not my favorite of the young-adult books I have read here. On the plus side, less than a week after finishing Little Wome...