Ramadan Ends!
Ramadan is over--there will be no more fasting in my village until next April! (Ramadan and other Musilm holidays are determined by the lunar calendar, so the dates move up about 10 days every year. Next year Ramadan will likely start during the last few days of April). I ended with a grand total of 19 days of fasting dawn-to-dusk (I didn't fast while outside my village). I did drink water while fasting, making my 19 days of fasting seem a small feat when compared to the adults all over Senegal who fasted without food or water for 29 days. After some unusual stomach pains I endured during the first five days or so, the fasting became relatively easy. It was even easy to get back into after taking ten days "off" when I went to Mbour. During the last nine days of Ramadan I got into a good routine of going on a short jog just before we broke fast. The sweltering heat subsides a bit after 6:30pm, so I had time to fit this in before eating around 7:30. As predicted, my fami...