Books: March 2020 Update

Here are some more book reviews. This batch was full of some great reads: Doing Good Better MacAskill's explanation and justification of effective altruism is another book that will make my list of the most important books I have read while in Senegal. Effective altruism is the process of donating your time and money in a way so as to help the largest number of people. The most effective charities are hundreds of times more effective than a typical (or "average") charity. This means that by carefully choosing which organizations we give our time and money we can do an incredible amount of good, even with limited resources. In addition to providing a common sense framework to evaluate charities, MacAskill discusses how to evaluate our consumer choices (Fair Trade, sweat shop clothing), career choices (NGO work, politics, earning to give), and choice of which cause to support (global poverty, climate change, etc.) in order to make the biggest difference in the large...