Unfinished Business: Solitaire Edition

When I was evacuated from Senegal in March, there were still quite a lot of things I wanted to do before returning to the US. In addition to my work and spending with time my host family, I had a few personal projects that I was working on. I had a list of books that I wanted to get through before my service was over, a sewing project, some biking goals, and a project born out of my curiosity about winning percentages in various forms of solitaire. During my down time for the first 9 months of my service, I either read a book, napped, called another volunteer, listened to music, or listened to a podcast. Those were just about the only forms of entertainment I had in my hut for the hot afternoons. Then, one day, I "discovered" a "new" form of entertainment: solitaire! After just a few days of playing, I decided to make a project out of this and record how many games I won or lost each day on my calendar. Then, after playing 100 games or so I would have a general id...