Kamo Takes a Drink

N.B. Kalabante = jokester, trickster, troublemaker (used among friends in a loving fashion) It is noon, three hours after today’s rays of direct sunlight have become unbearable for more than five minutes. I am sitting under the disintegrating shade structure in front of Baba’s hut as he prepares attaya. One of the six posts—which used to be living trees in the nearby bush—holding up the bamboo-and-straw roof is listing slightly toward the center of the yard, and another is leaning twice as much. Baba attributes the problem to termites chewing up the underground portions of the posts. The former trees are no longer stable in their new jobs. “I’ll fix it,” he says, though we both know this means “I’ll fix it when it falls down.” I reposition my chair, itself made from the wood of a palm-like tree gathered from the seasonal river that flows by my village, so as to dodge the new shaft of sunlight piercing through the patchy straw above me. There is no sense in replacing the shade-cre...