Friday, June 20

On Tuesday (6/17), we took the train from Zurich to Munich, a four hour ride.  Upon our arrival, we located our apartment we rented through Airbnb, about four stops away from downtown on public transportation.  We walked around downtown Munich to work up an appetite then had a traditional meal of bratwurst and potatoes (in the form of fries) at a beergarden in the English Garden, a huge inner-city park.  We would return to this park later in our stay.

We began Wednesday with a trip to the BMW Museum.  We had high hopes, but unfortunately the museum turned out to be 80% propoganda and only 20% cars/engines.  Found on one of the informational signs: "The design of a BMW M vehicle is the perfect symbiosis of power and aesthetics.  The intense relationship between the driver, engine performance, and the road is inerpreted as pure emotion.  The result is an athletic design that embodies both the power of the engine and motorsport as a whole."  After cruising through the museum we walked around the Olympiapark, the site of the 1972 Summer Olympics.  In the afternoon we hung out with my friend Mary who traveled to Munich after the Inida trip concluded.  We ate the best kebab I have had yet in Europe and went back to our apartment, picking up some more bread and cheese on the way.

Yesterday (6/19) we visited the Nymphenburg Palace on the outskirts of Munich.  The palace grounds were very green--the three of us took a nice long stroll through the woods and by the lakes inside the palace grounds.  We were all pretty tired from the previous day's activities so it was a nice way to relax.  After visiting the palace, we returned to the English Garden to watch some surfing and relax in the grass.  There is a spot in the river where the waves are such that one can surf back and forth from one bank to the other endlessly.  There were about 10 surfers in wetsuits taking turns riding the constant wave in the cold river.  We did some more walking around downtown in the evening then went back to our apartment early to get some sleep.

Today, we slept in again in Munich then headed to the train station, bound for Innsbruck, Austria.  We arrived in the afternoon and spent the evening gathering information about hiking at the tourist office and walking around the town.  Innsbruck is a really pretty town, located in a valley between large mountains that provide a stunning backdrop for the old streets.  We had kebabs for dinner and watched the second half of the Italy-Costa Rica game at a public viewing on a big screen.  There were lots of Italians in attendance, so it was unfortunate that they lost 1-0.  I am looking forward to watching more games during the next month. 

We are planning to do a day hike up one of the nearby mountains tomorrow.  We plan to commence our hut hiking with a few nights in Austrain mountains beginning on the 22nd.


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