Peace Corps Senegal

Hello Travels with Tavish Readers!

I am writing this post as I take a break from packing for Senegal! 

I am joining the Peace Corps in Senegal as a Forestry and Environment Change Agent. For two years, I will be living with a host family and working with farmers to help implement sustainable practices on their farms. Many of my projects will be focused on tree planting.

I depart for my Peace Corps staging event in Philadelphia on Friday, September 21, then my cohort will fly to Senegal together on Sunday, September 23. We will train for 10 weeks at the Peace Corps Training Center in Thies before moving to our respective communities.

Due to limited internet access during service, my posts on this blog will likely be infrequent. You can subscribe to the blog to get an email update whenever a new post is made. After you click the "Subscribe" button and complete the Captcha, you will get an email from Feed Burner to verify your subscription to the blog (check your Spam or Promotions folder).

As always, thanks for reading!


  1. Hello dear friend Tavish:
    How happy to know that you join such a beautiful and valuable cause, I hope there are more young people like you who help in humanitarian and environmental projects. I wish you good luck in your project and that everything goes well for you.
    Many greetings to you and your lovely family.
    My best wishes to you today and always.
    A hug with affection from your Cuban friends Yaima and Luis Pichardo.
    See you soon

  2. Subscribed! Happy travels today T :) lots of love!

  3. So excited to hear how training is going. Hope your foot is healing well. We are thinking about you. the Doppelmayrs


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