Books I Have Read

I am keeping track of the books I read in Senegal. When I am at my site I usually have a lot of time to read; during the last couple months I have been flying through books at a faster rate than ever before in my life. Here is the list of what I have read so far:

If you are looking for recommendations, I would start with Things Fall Apart. It is a short book about and African village in Nigeria. It was not an uplifting book, but felt very relevant considering my current location. Many of the themes and traditions in the book are things that I have heard about or experienced in Senegal already.

Another heartbreaking book that is well worth reading is The Underground Railroad. It is a novel that imagines the Underground Railroad as an actual system of underground train tunnels that takes slaves north into freedom. Highly, highly recommended.

If you are a baseball fan, Moneyball is a must. The Baseball Codes is a great one to have around and read a chapter or two every now and then. It is filled with anecdotes about the hidden world of baseball (beanballs, sign stealing, etc.) that is not visible to the viewing public and how these unwritten rules have changed over time.

Two more wonderful books are A Farewell to Arms and Watership Down. The Hemingway is a love story about an ambulance driver and a nurse in Italy during World War I. Watership Down is about rabbits who must leave their warren (community) and set out to find a new home. I could not put either of these novels down once I started.

If any of my blog readers picks up one of these books, please let me know what you thought via email! 


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