Counterpart Workshop at In-Service Training
For the last two days of IST, our technical counterparts were invited to Thies to take part in a workshop. Each volunteer is paired with a technical counterpart in their village who helps facilitate projects and (in theory) takes the lead on continuing to do agroforestry and/or agricultural work in the village once Peace Corps leaves the village. Most villages get three volunteers, so barring any exceptions, which I am learning are numerous in all aspects of Peace Corps, a village will have a constant volunteer presence for about six years, at which point Peace Corps will likely find a new village in the area in which to place a volunteer. My counterpart is named Amadou. I have spent a lot of time with him so far in the village. I have heard from my anciens and I have observed that he is a motivated, hard worker. I feel lucky that he was chosen to be my technical counterpart. It was very fun to have Amadou and the other volunteers' counterparts at the training center in Thies fo...