February Pictures

With my CBT host brother and sister in Mbour when I visited during IST

Chameleon spotted on a tree during one of my IST field trips!

Neighbor building a new hut in my village. Huts (and roofs) need to be completely done before the rains come

Some Senegalese people, instead of keeping their money in banks or as cash, will invest in a physical commodity such as cows or bricks

Tree with cool bark

My host mom's garden; her lettuce and okra are growing well

Host mom's garden

Siibo (also called ban), a palm-like plant whose leaves are used to tie fences, bundles of grass, and anything else that needs to be secured

Diseased cashew tree. I am working on figuring out what is wrong with the tree

Another diseased tree


  1. Thanks for the pics, Tavish, esp. for the photo of the chameleon. I guess I’ve seen one of those fabulous National Geo images of a chameleon somewhere, but yours looked much more realistic. The picture of the fenced garden made me wonder what critters represent the most trouble for gardeners in your part of Senegal. Here, it’s deer, hands-down. They roam everywhere in the suburbs of Chapel Hill, morning, noon, and night.

    Uncle Bill


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