Visit from my Grand-Anciens
I had a lucky opportunity recently to meet my grand-anciens, who were the first volunteers in my village, from 2015-2017. They are a couple named Tom and Renee who have two kids approximately my age. We got to spend a day and a half together in the village. I got to hear a lot about their experience and they got a glimpse of what it is like for me to live there now. I gave them a tour of the gardens (which had moved since they left), we chatted about changes in the village, and they walked around amazed at how all the kids have grown. Two of the biggest changes in the village since their service ended are my host family and the trees. My host dad married his second wife Nyuma near the end of Tom and Renee's service; the family got bigger and the dynamics changed quite a lot at that point in time. She has been in the compound long enough that those changes have settled into a rhythm which I consider "normal." All the kids are also two years older, which of course makes ...