June Pictures
Here are some pictures from June:
Out for a run near the end of Ramadan |
Dressed up for Korite (I wore the same outfit at my swearing-in) |
Everyone (including the kids) gets new outfits for Korite |
Keeping my water cool during hot season |
A field way out in the bush that I found on a run |
Cashews in various stages of sprouting (some mangoes also visible) |
The community pepiniere. Most of the trees with large leaves are cashews |
Pull-up bar version 3 |
I made some "African nails" (made from bamboo), as named by a friend in my village, in an attempt to fix my old bed frame |
Riding to the luumo with my host brother Keeba (8) and his older sister Coumba (13) |
There are a few kilometers of pavement now on the 40km road to my village! I flew through this section on my bike |
The roof beds got destroyed in the Peace Corps Tamba transit house after a big rain/wind storm |
A fairly full sept place in the Tamba garage |
Loading up my sept place in the Tamba garage |
About a quarter-mile ahead of my bus on the road is a truck that fell over, causing a three-hour delay on the road outside of Kaolack |
One of the trucks in the collision that caused the massive delay |
Snacking on some Moringa from my backyard |
Bobo (2) and Balla (4) eating some leftovers from lunch out of the pot |
A mysterious small egg that I found near the front door of my hut. This is the second egg I have found in the same spot in a period of a week, so it is not a coincidence |
A lizard skeleton I found under one of my suitcases |
A giant worm wiggling across my back step during a rainstorm |
My toxoma (in the green and blue shirt) pushing a wheelbarrow of clay back to his house as his 2-year-old son Bakare (nicknamed Bobo) runs behind |
Bobo is thrilled that he gets to ride on the wheelbarrow |
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Balla (10) and Bobo (2) napping on a bed in the front yard during the heat of the day |
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