Kedougou Youth Leadership Camp Pictures
Here are some pictures from the Kedougou Youth Leadership Camp! Playing Fish Bowl, a charades game Teaching the tree nursery session Campers mixing manure and dirt to fill tree sacks Playing the human knot game My beard is now almost as long as my face Pancake judging; campers made pancakes together in groups of five during the cooking class Cooking the leftover batter into mini-pancakes Dancing after the cooking session Erosion activity; in groups, the campers added sticks and rocks to the dirt to try and lessen the amount of erosion when the "rain" came Erosion activity Baking soda and vinegar volcano during science night Making slime during science night Juggling during science night Making giant bubbles during science night Basketball Basketball dribble-pass-shoot competition Gender day--campers dressed up as the opposite gender and did skits Campfire Dancing around the cam...