August Pictures

Here are some pictures from August:

Field crops in my backyard as of August 1 (corn, peanuts, and beans)

My mango graft is growing! It's the small one on the right of the larger branch. Picture from August 1

A flooded bridge about 1km toward Kedougou from my village that I pushed my bike through on my way to the city. The river was so high that it was difficult to tell where to step so that I would not step off the bridge into the river

My backyard papaya tree is dying, something is eating it

A wilted leaf

Something (probably termites) ate the roots of my papaya tree, thus its quick demise

A friend in my luumo town weaving a fishing net

Note the sandals!

Cashew tree in my compound

The biggest cashew tree in my compound; also the biggest cashew tree in my village

Moringa intensive bed in the community pepiniere

My friend Eric and I seeding some papaya seeds in leftover tree sacks. He and his wife Alyssa came to visit my village for a couple days before we went into Kedougou for camp. I went to their village back in January for one night and hope to return again soon

Seeding more papaya
Alyssa and me delivering the last of community members' trees. It is a little tough to see in the photo, but I am climbing over a 3-foot "gate" that stops animals from coming into my toxoma's corn fields. Climbing over the gate is much trickier when you have a heavy benoir full of trees on your head and can't look down to find your footing

Live fence around one side of the pepiniere planted by my anciens. I pruned it heavily a couple weeks before this picture down to the top bamboo cross-piece to induce lateral growth, but it grows back very quickly now that the rainy season is in full swing

Me walking out of the community pepiniere. Live fence in the foreground. Old red oil drum used for storing water during the dry season in the background

Some of my host dad's Jatropha live fence (planted by my anciens). Next year the Jatropha will replace the old bamboo fence, inchallah

On the road into Kedougou. If you look very closely you can see Alyssa and I on our bikes

Riding into the bright sunrise on our way to Kedougou


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