August Pictures
Here are some pictures from August:
Field crops in my backyard as of August 1 (corn, peanuts, and beans) |
My mango graft is growing! It's the small one on the right of the larger branch. Picture from August 1 |
My backyard papaya tree is dying, something is eating it |
A wilted leaf |
Something (probably termites) ate the roots of my papaya tree, thus its quick demise |
A friend in my luumo town weaving a fishing net |
Note the sandals! |
Cashew tree in my compound |
The biggest cashew tree in my compound; also the biggest cashew tree in my village |
Moringa intensive bed in the community pepiniere |
Seeding more papaya |
Me walking out of the community pepiniere. Live fence in the foreground. Old red oil drum used for storing water during the dry season in the background |
Some of my host dad's Jatropha live fence (planted by my anciens). Next year the Jatropha will replace the old bamboo fence, inchallah |
On the road into Kedougou. If you look very closely you can see Alyssa and I on our bikes |
Riding into the bright sunrise on our way to Kedougou |
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