Summer 2016: India and Iceland

Hi Everyone,

I am excited to begin my summer adventures! This summer I am a TA on Northeastern’s India Climate Change Dialogue of Civilizations, then will continue traveling for a couple weeks in Europe with my family and another Northeastern Dialogue in Iceland to study the geology of glaciers and volcanoes. The two study abroad trips will be in stark contrast with one another.

Today (Sunday) was filled with more last-minute packing than I had anticipated. I had five days in Boston to prepare for the trip and visit my friends, but somehow I still ended up with a few items to purchase hours before heading to the airport.

In India we will be visiting more than 10 cities including Mumbai, Kolkata, Shillong, Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Delhi has been experiencing record-breaking heat this year—this week temperatures reached up to 117 degrees F. The weather, as expected, will be an adjustment. California this spring only reached around 90F on a few days.

The graduate student TA on the trip, Udit, informed me while waiting to board that the word “Tavish” in India means “Your God” or “Lord.” The root “Tav” means “Your” and “ish” means “God.” I’ll add this to the bank of stories I have about my name and where it came from…

I am currently in Frankfurt waiting for my group’s flight to Mumbai. Our flight to Frankfurt from Boston was bumpy and about an hour delayed, but we made it in time to make our connection. I will post again after a couple days in India!


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