Off to Mumbai

Hi Everyone,

Travels with Tavish will be up and running again for the next four months or so (Jan-April 2017); I am going to Mumbai, India to work at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B) in their Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA). The program is a graduate program where students usually take courses and work on projects at the same time, but I will be working on projects full-time for one semester, auditing a course or two if they fit with my schedule. I will be working on design, prototyping, testing, and implementation of products for farmers and others living in rural areas. The exact projects I will be working on are to be determined next week.

I will be living on campus and eating in the mess halls at the university. I have heard that the food on campus is very good, and I plan to continue exploring the surrounding street food as well. I have visited the campus multiple times before during previous trips to India so I am relatively familiar with the surrounding area.

My flight leaves from SeaTac to Frankfurt leaves in an hour, then after a four hour layover in Germany I continue on to Mumbai, where I will arrive at 1:00am and head straight to IIT-B. I am enjoying my last few moments in the US by eating Otis Spunkmeyer cookies and drinking Perrier in the Lufthansa lounge.

I am planning to post on this blog once or twice a week during my four months in India. Thanks for reading!


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