Pictures from Pre-Service Training

Here are some pictures from my pre-service training! Most are of my Jaxanke language group's CBT  (Community Based Training) garden and my local host family in Mbour:

Pouring attaya (tea) at my host family's house in Mbour

CBT garden week 1: vegetable beds and vegetable nursery

CBT compost pile week 1

CBT garden week 2

CBT garden week 5
Under the cashew tree with my Jaxanke colleagues after a hard day of gardening

Under the cashew tree
Wedding in Mbour with my Jaxanke friends

This baby is not sure about me

Moringa intensive bed week 6

CBT garden week 9

Moringa intensive bed week 9

CBT garden week 9

My host mom and I at a baptism in Mbour
Host siblings--last day in Mbour
Host siblings--last day in Mbour

Papa (host brother)

Host family in Mbour

CBT host family reception at the Thies Training Center

CBT host family reception at the Thies Training Center


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