March 2020 Pictures

Here are some pictures from my last couple weeks in village. A lot of these pictures were taken as soon as I was told I was going to be evacuated.

My hands and feet dirty and full of blisters after helping clear shrubs and stumps from the new soccer field in my village

Ramatu (Amadou's wife) and her son Jomboy

Amadou and his family

Amadou, his mom, and his son

Amadou's younger brother Ousmanni

Amadou and Ramatu's youngest son (born12 hours before this photo was taken!)

Amadou's cousin Moussa. He is scared of me and would always cry when I tried to pick him up

Amadou's uncle Mamadou, Mamadou's son Moussa, and Ousmanni

Me and Amadou

My beautiful saddle bags that I only got to use once. They took over 6 hours to make in the city. Modeled after my friend Eric's saddle bags

Me and my host dad, Seydi 
Me with the women in my host family. From left, Sohona, Maimouna, Nyuma, Fatou, Sohona, Balla (4) and Nyuma

I found a use for the bamboo shelf that I made. This is the water cube at the Kedougou house


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