Winter Math Tutoring

Hello Blog Readers,

I am offering math tutoring services via Zoom for grades K-12 this winter. I am interested in working with students who need extra math help, students who enjoy math, and students who want to go above and beyond the math they are studying in school. I have been tutoring via Zoom for two months and am pleasantly surprised with how quickly I have been able to establish personal connections despite the lack of in-person interaction.

If you or any families you know are interested in tutoring, please email me. I will provide my resume and scheduling and rate information via email.

Here is a bit of background information about me that you can pass on to any families that may be interested:

I grew up in Seattle and participated in math competitions such as Math Is Cool and MathCounts from grades 4-12. I then attended Northeastern University in Boston and graduated in 2018 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I recently spent 18 months in the Peace Corps in Senegal doing Agroforestry work.

Stay safe!


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